ملاحظة !!! عزيزي المستخدم، جميع النصوص العربية قد تمت ترجمتها من نصوص الانجليزية باستخدام مترجم جوجل الآلي. لذلك قد تجد بعض الأخطاء اللغوية، ونحن نعمل على تحسين جودة الترجمة. نعتذر على الازعاج.
UAE Visit Visa And Tourist Visa Without Security Deposit
الفئة: السياحة

The Tourist Visa or Visit Visa had lot of formalities in UAE, now a days, it is made simpler by the Government. One can easily sponsor somebody on Visit Visa or Tourist Visa either by self or through Visa Agent. Online Application is a new feature of this programme.

Any National or Expat can apply the Tourist or Visit Visa online for his friends or family or business associates. The same can be done by Amer Services too, he/she has to visit the centre, in person, to apply for the same.

Below is the List of the Documents required for Applying Visa

- Photograph of the Sponsor, white Background

- Valid Passport Copy of the sponsor shall be coloured in nature.

- International Bank Account Number (IBAN) of the Sponsor.

- Visitor has to furnish the proof of his/her relationship with the Sponsor. Shall be Properly Attested

- Sponsor has to furnish the Attested Owner-Tenant Agreement. The contract should have validity of next 2 month, at least.

- Latest Copy of DEWA Bill.

- If the Sponsor is working in Private Sector, he needs to submit attested copy of his Contract.

- The Sponsor has to furnish Arabic Salary certificate, if he/she is working in Free Zone or Semi-Government or Government establishment.

Fee Structure for Visit Visa

- Single Entry Visit Visa for 30 Days – 415 AED

-Multiple Entry Visit Visa for 30 Days – 790 AED

-Single Entry Visit Visa for 90 Days – 815 AED

- Multiple Entry Visit Visa for 90 Days – 1840 AED

Security Deposit for Visit Visa

If anyone is applying for the Tourist / Visit visa online or through Amer Service centre, it attracts a Guarantee bond from your side. Though the same is refundable after the return of the person, who visited UAE. You can again claim the amount from the Government after their departure.

GDRFA has different fee structure for different kind of relatives. They have categorised the relatives into 2 parts i.e. class I which includes your immediate relatives like Your Parent, Children, Siblings – Be it your Brothers or Sisters Class II which includes a distant relatives like Grand parents, In Laws, Aunts & Uncles, Nephews or Nieces, or half siblings or cousins.

The department has different fee structure for both the class of relatives.

Class I – 1020 AED

Class II – 2020 AED

Best way for avoiding levied fee Structure

One need to take the help of the Travel Agency for calling his/her Class I / Class II relatives. As per the law, they are your custodian & Government has given them this facility after their due diligence. You can understand it like this; they are sponsoring your relatives for visit/Tourist visa.

The best part is the Documents, required for their entry in UAE, are also less. You need not to provide Attested Labour Contract, Attested Rent Agreement of your residence & Arabic Salary Certificate.

Documents required, if applying through Travel Agency

- Copy of the First & Last page of the Passport of Host (Hereinafter referred as Guarantor)

- Copy of Hosts Emirates ID 

- Copy of the First & Last Page of the Passport of Visitor, shall be coloured

- Photograph of the visitor, passport Size, With White Background.

If any person is visiting UAE on Visit Visa, his/her fee is 749 AED; it is applicable for 90 days only. The fee is for Single person only & in case the visitors are more than one, it is Multipliable for each number.  Other fees structures are as below

- Tourist Visa for 14 days for a Single Person – 295 AED

- Visit Visas for 30 days, Single Entry, per person – 305 AED

- Visit Visas for 90 days, Single Entry, per person – 795 AED

- Tourist Visa for 30 days, Multiple Entry, Per Person – 950 AED

- Tourist Visa for 90 days, Multiple Entry, Per Person – 2150 AED

- Express Entry Tourist Visa for 30 days, per person – 450 AED

- Express Entry Tourist Visa for 90 days, per person – 950 AED


Important Pointes to be noted

1. It is mandatory for the visitor to have passport of at least 6 months validity. If the visiting person is spouse of the host (guarantor), the same need to be mentioned on his/her passport.

2. As per the normal process, the authorities takes only 3-4 days in approval/rejection of the Application, sometimes it takes a little longer.

3. One need to understand all the Documents & Fee Structure before depositing the Visa Fee, if the application is rejected the fee for the visa is not refundable ,one need to be very sure about the sanctity of the documents before depositing the fee.






29 Aug, 2020 0 892
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