ملاحظة !!! عزيزي المستخدم، جميع النصوص العربية قد تمت ترجمتها من نصوص الانجليزية باستخدام مترجم جوجل الآلي. لذلك قد تجد بعض الأخطاء اللغوية، ونحن نعمل على تحسين جودة الترجمة. نعتذر على الازعاج.
UAE Announces 407 New Coronavirus Cases, 1,399 Recoveries, 0 Deaths

On Sunday, the Ministry of Health and Prevention of the UAE reported that 407 cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the past 24 hours, bringing the total infection count to 882,884.

According to official data, there have been no new deaths in COVID-19, keeping the death toll at 2,301.In total, 1,399 patients have fully recovered from COVID-19, for an overall total of 843,105.

After conducting 399,776 PCR tests across the country, the newly detected infections were identified.

To ensure public safety and protection, the ministry wished patients a speedy recovery, urging the public to cooperate with health authorities and comply with precautionary measures, such as social distancing protocols.

07 Mar, 2022 0 199
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