Fog, Rain Likely Over The Next Three Days In UAE
Category: Weather

Chances of sporadic rains over the eastern and northern areas will continue on Friday and Saturday, while the rest of the country will see fair and partly cloudy weather in general.
Rainfall in different intensities lashed Al Ain and nearby areas on Wednesday afternoon. Moderate to heavy rain was recorded in Al Bada and Al Jimi, while Al Saad and Hili saw moderate showers.

Fujairah and Sweihan — Nahil Road received light to moderate rains and Kalba experienced light showers.
Forecasters from the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) said humidity will increase on Thursday, causing fog or mist formation in the early morning over interior areas.
The rest of the country will have fair to partly cloudy weather in general, with some low and medium clouds appearing eastward and northward by afternoon.
Rain clouds might form again to bring showers over the eastern and northern parts of the country on Friday and Saturday.
South-easterly to north-easterly winds, with speeds of 18km/hr to 28km/hr, reaching 38km/hr, will also lash the UAE over the weekend.



25 Oct, 2018 0 820
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