The UAE On Tuesday Announced The Summer Midday Break Period And Timings For Workers
Category: Government

A place of shade and cold water must be provided during the midday break.
The UAE on Tuesday announced the summer midday break period and timings, during which labourers, construction workers and other out-of-office workers will be prohibited from working in the sun.

The break will be observed from June 15 to September 15, from 12:30pm until 3pm each day.

Nasser bin Thani Al Hamli, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, issued the decree, which stated that working hours will be divided into two shifts -- morning and evening shifts -- with a total of eight working hours in a 24-hour period.

If workers work longer than that, they must be compensated.

According to the federal law on the regulation of labour relations, "If working conditions require a worker to be employed more than the regular working hours, the worker must be paid a wage equal to normal working hours with an increment no less than 25 per cent of the original wage.

"The worker must be compensated with no less than 50 per cent increase upon the original wage if the worker was employed from 9pm to 4am."

The employer must set up a schedule of daily work hours in the workplace in Arabic and in the language of their employees.

They must also provide a place of rest in the shade during the midday break.  

Inspections will be made at construction sites to ensure the rules are being followed.

Violators will be fined Dh5,000 per person, if labourers are found working during the break hours, reaching up to Dh50,000 if several workers were found in violation of the decree.

Employers must also provide cool water and restorative drinks to their employees during this time.



05 Jun, 2018 0 1148
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