A Lover Killed His Best Friend And Set His Body On Fire In Dubai
Category: Crime News

Dubai A lover, who killed his best friend and set his body on fire after having an adulterous affair with his wife, lost his last appeal on Monday and faces a firing squad.
The 32-year-old lover, from Comoros Islands, lured his countryman best friend to a car, struck him with a rock, mowed him down and killed him before setting him on fire in October 2016.

In June, the Dubai Appeal Court confirmed the death sentence against the 32-year-old accused and also lengthened the wife’s punishment from 15 years in jail to life imprisonment.
The wife was convicted of abetting her lover in premeditatedly murdering her husband by running him over and burning his body.
The two defendants appealed their appellate judgements before Dubai’s highest court and sought to have a reduced punishment.

Prosecutors also appealed their appellate judgements and sought to have them upheld by the Dubai Cassation Court.
On Monday, presiding judge Abdul Aziz Abdullah rejected the convicts’ appeal and upheld the capital punishment against the 32-year-old defendant and the life sentence of the 23-year-old wife.
The two accused pleaded not guilty and asked for a reduced punishment.
The 32-year-old contended in his appeal that the wife incited and provoked him to kill her husband.
Court records said the convicted woman will be deported following the completion of her punishment.
Meanwhile the 32-year-old convict will face a shooting squad once the capital punishment gets approved by the ruler.
A watchman saw the husband’s body on fire near a warehouse in Al Ghusais and alerted Dubai Police and the Civil Defence.
The victim’s body was found to have been completely burnt when law enforcement officers arrived at the crime scene.
The duo were tried before the Dubai Misdemeanours Court for having unwedded sex.
Police interrogations revealed that the 23-year-old wife and her 32-year-old countryman lover had conspired to kill the husband.
The wife had been having a sexual affair with the victim, who was his best friend.
The male convict lured his best friend [husband] to his car, tied his hands and legs and then pounded his head with a rock, said records.
When he noticed that the victim was still breathing, he struck his head repeatedly on the car and ran his vehicle over him several times. Then he took the body to an area in front of the warehouse where he set it on fire after dousing it with petrol.
The victim’s 85-year-old father said his son had been married to the 22-year-old woman for four years and they shared his accommodation with their two children.
“When I asked my daughter-in-law about her husband’s whereabouts, she told me that he went to the beach. The next day she claimed that he did not show up and that he had not answered her calls,” claimed the father.
The Indian watchman, who found the burnt body, testified that the victim was already dead when he called up the police at 11pm.
A police major said the wife admitted that she had an illicit affair with her husband’s friend [the male accused] for two years.
“She said due to constant quarrels with her husband, she and her lover decided to get rid of the victim. The 22-year-old said she had planned with her accomplice to stage a fight with her husband and then the 32-year-old would intervene to resolve the dispute between them before they carry out their murderous intention,” the major said.
Dubai Police’s forensic examiner said the victim had already died before he was set on fire.
The ruling is final.



30 Jul, 2018 0 1252
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