A Manager Groped And Kissed A Home Cleaner
Category: Crime News

Dubai: A manager groped and kissed a home cleaner whom he had hired on an hourly basis to clean his villa in Jumeirah, heard a court Wednesday.
The Filipina house cleaner was said to have visited the villa of the 45-year-old Indian manager in March.

Once the woman started cleaning, the manager walked in behind her and asked her to give him a massage, according to records, because he had pain in his legs.
The cleaner refused the man’s request. Then he asked her to go to the backside room to clean it and groped her and kissed her.
The Filipina pushed the Indian away, rushed out of the villa and jumped in to the first taxi she saw.Police apprehended the Indian man shortly after the Filipina reported what had happened.
Prosecutors accused the suspect of groping the home cleaner.
The suspect pleaded not guilty when he appeared before the Dubai Court of First Instance on Wednesday.
The Filipina cleaner claimed to prosecutors that the incident happened in the morning when she went to tidy up the suspect’s residence.
“First he asked me to clean one of the bedrooms … while I was inside, he told me that the cleaning process would last around four hours. I told him that his place is small and would only require an hour. Then he sat on the bed and asked me for a massage, but I told him that my job required me to clean the house only. Then he touched my shoulder and back suddenly. He then asked me to move to the backside room to tidy it up … when I walked into the room, he followed me. Then he surprisingly hugged and kissed my lips and cheeks … I pushed him away quickly and left in a hurry. I rushed back to the office and notified the supervisor who reported the matter to the police,” she testified to prosecutors.
In May, the 45-year-old suspect was sentenced to three months in jail followed by deportation for molesting another home cleaner in another case.
Presiding judge Fahd Al Shamsi adjourned hearing until the suspect presents his defence arguments on September 3.




02 Aug, 2018 0 1132
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