A Woman Has Been Fined Dh2000 For Attacking Her Husband With A Knife And Throwing Liquid Soap
Category: Crime News

The husband had to take a three-week leave from work due to the attack.
A woman has been fined Dh2,000 for attacking her husband with a knife and throwing liquid soap into his eyes after a family dispute. The Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi maintained the verdict pronounced by the Fujairah Court of First Instance, which had found the woman guilty of assaulting the man, insulting and abusing him, damaging his car and endangering his health.

The husband had to take a three-week leave from work due to the attack.

Court documents stated that the Arab man had filed a complaint against his wife after the attack. The wife, who had earlier left their home located in Masafi area in Fujairah because of some differences, allegedly came in without the man's knowledge.

Prosecutors said the woman stabbed the man using a small kitchen knife before she threw liquid soap into his eyes. The wife also abused and insulted the man. She also damaged the man's car, which had been parked in the compound.

A medical report said the husband sustained stab wounds.

The husband had demanded that the woman be punished according to the law for intentionally assaulting him and endangering his health by throwing liquid soap into his eyes.



12 Sep, 2018 0 913
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