Duo Kill Man In Sharjah After Cheating Him Of Umrah Visa
Category: Crime News

The man died due to heavy bleeding.
Two Asians killed their compatriot after duping him of money and falsely promising tourist visa for his mother so she could go for Umrah. The duo hit the victim in the head and stabbed him multiple times before burying his body in a desert in Siouh area in Sharjah.

The details of the case - which surfaced in 2016 - indicated that the victim gave money to the two accused to arrange tourist visa for his mother so she could go on pilgrimage. However, the two defendants cheated on him. After dilly-dallying for many days, they told the victim that the visa had been issued and submitted at the airport.

When the victim went to the airport to receive his mother, he was shocked to know from the official there that no visa of that name had been submitted.

The victim flew into a rage and had a verbal duel with the two accused. During the commotion, the first defendant dealt a severe blow on the victim's head, and the second accused stabbed him in the chest, and other parts of his body. The man died due to heavy bleeding.

As the victim didn't return home, his wife informed the police, who issued an alert about the missing person. Investigation teams were formed to launch a hunt for the man.

Even as the probe was on, an Arab man told the police that he had spotted a body of an unidentified man near the Industrial Area number 6. The cops rushed to site and found a decomposed body dumped there. 

Investigations revealed that the body was of the victim. After intensified probe, the police arrested the two accused, who confessed to the crime and were referred to the public prosecution. 

The court has adjourned the case to next month.




11 Jun, 2018 0 1159
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