Filming Road Accidents And Posting Its Images Will Incur Jailed And Fined In UAE
Category: Crime News

Police issued several warnings against the behaviour on social media.
Onlookers beware! Filming road accidents and posting its images and clips on social media will incur jail term and a fine up to Dh150,000, the Abu Dhabi Police warned on Wednesday. The police said 71 residents were fined for filming accidents in the last six months alone.

The penalty for the offence has been specified under article 21 of Federal Decree Law No. 5 of 2012 on Combating Cybercrimes (cybercrimes law).

The police's traffic and patrols directorate said people crowding around accident sites put accident victims in more danger.

"Such behaviour hampers the effective movement of ambulance, police and civil defence vehicles," said the police. Those found obstructing or blocking roads near accident sites can be punished with a fine of Dh1,000. The police have also urged motorists not to park their vehicles near accident sites and go over to watch.

A police official told : "Such behaviour not only causes a greater danger on the roads, but it could also cause congestion and stop the ambulance services from reaching the accident victims in time to save their lives, because every minute is critical.

"Although people passing by offering assistance to the injured is a sign of good will, we urge them to be cautious. We urge people to be cautious on the roads and if motorists and pedestrians spot a road accident, do not approach the site, block the traffic, or take photos and post them on social media," added the official.

On Monday, nine people who gathered around an accident site in Al Ain sustained minor injuries after a speeding car crashed into the them. The police said the car was involved in a traffic accident on Al Ain-Dubai highway and stopped on the side. 



12 Jul, 2018 0 1079
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