Seven Women Have Been Arrested In Dubai
Category: Crime News

Seven women have been arrested in Dubai for allegedly assaulting and robbing men who were looking for massages. According to Brigadier-General Ahmed Thani bin Ghalaita, director of Rafaa police station, the women robbed Dh60,000 from one man and Dh5,000 from another after luring them with offers for massages.

In the first case that was reported recently, a manager of a company gave the Asian complainant Dh60,000 to deposit in two separate banks. After dropping his boss to the airport, the complainant logged on to Facebook to search for massage services. On finding a joint, he called the listed number and the person who attended the call gave him an address. He arrived at the flat in Al Rafaa at 2pm, he told the police. When he knocked on the door, "about 10 African women" allegedly dragged him inside and robbed him of the Dh60,000. They fled the place after that.

In the other case, a 24-year-old man from Uzbekistan told the police that he was robbed in the second week of June. He said he found a card advertising massage services as he was walking. After he called on the number, he was given an address. After knocking on the door, some African woman dragged him inside, he claimed. They allegedly stripped him and filmed him, after which they stole the Dh5,000 he had. They allegedly threatened to publish the photos online if he informed the police about the robbery.

Brigadier-General bin Ghalaita said the police formed a team to investigate the incidents. The team tracked down the seven suspects and arrested them from an apartment in the same area where the robberies were reported.

The suspects have been referred to the public prosecution for further investigation.



15 Jul, 2018 0 1268
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