Student Rapes A Woman Using Physical Violence
Category: Crime News

Dubai: A 40-year-old student has been accused of following a woman accountant from a nightclub to her home at 3am, kicking her into her flat and raping her using physical violence.
The 24-year-old Moroccan accountant was said to have walked out of a nightclub and was waiting for a taxi to go home when the Emirati student offered her a ride in May.

The woman was chatting over the phone with her Syrian florist when she dodged the Emirati, according to records, and rode a taxi back to her residence in Al Nahda.
Once she walked into the building where she lives, the woman found that the Emirati had followed her into the elevator and stood behind her.
Having told her that he wanted to ensure that she had arrived home safely because she was drunk, the 24-year-old was still chatting with her friend when she took out keys wanting to enter her flat.

Once she inserted the keys, the Emirati came from behind, forced her to unlock the door and kicked her down to the floor. Records said he stormed in, closed the door and then he snatched her phone and hung up on the florist with whom she had still been conversing.
The student allegedly threatened to slaughter the Moroccan before he carried her into her bedroom and had forced sex with her.
The Syrian florist, who rushed to the aid of his Moroccan friend, stormed into the flat and pulled the Emirati away.
Records said the student broke a flower vase and used a broken piece of that vase to threaten the Syrian man, who rushed out of the flat and called the police.
Police apprehended the Emirati from the Moroccan’s flat.
Prosecutors accused the suspect of using physical violence while raping the accountant in her flat.
The suspect pleaded not guilty when he appeared before the Dubai Court of First Instance on Tuesday.
“That did not happen,” he contended before presiding judge Mohammad Jamal.
“You didn’t rape her or nothing happened between you at all?” presiding judge Jamal asked the suspect.
“No … nothing happened,” he responded.
The woman testified to prosecutors that the suspect started stalking her after he saw her waiting for a taxi.
“I rejected his offer to drive me home while I was speaking to my friend. Surprisingly, I saw him standing in front of the elevator at my building. When I asked him why he was following me, he replied ‘I wanted to make sure that you are okay because you are drunk’. He followed me to the flat door … he kicked me inside. He threatened me and had forced sex with me. He raped me in the bedroom … my Syrian friend ran to my rescue and pulled him off me,” she claimed to prosecutors.
The florist testified to prosecutors: “Once I heard her shouting and then crying … I realised that she was in danger. I drove quickly from my house in Sharjah and rushed to her rescue. The door was partly open so I rushed to the bedroom and the suspect was having sex with the woman. I pulled him off her, and he fell down naked. Then he ran out of the flat, but I followed him and convinced him to return and dress up … then I locked them in and called the police.”
The court will appoint a lawyer to defend the suspect when it reconvenes on September 23.



07 Aug, 2018 0 1243
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