Abu Dhabi Court Upholds 10 Year Jail For Two In Terrorism Case
Category: UAE Local News

The State Security Court of the Federal Supreme Court on Monday upheld 10-year jail sentence of two men found guilty in terrorism cases.

The Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeals condemned the first defendant, an Arab, accused of setting up and managing four social media sites on (Twitter, Facebook, Telegram and Whataap) under the name of Abu Hamed Al Adnani to promote the terrorist ideology of Daesh and urge people to join it and donate to its members.

Accordingly, the Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeals convicted him in a hearing held at the beginning of this year and sentenced him to 10 years’ imprisonment.

The court also ordered confiscation of all devices, cameras, computers, seized in the case, and that the defendant be deported after serving the prison term.

In the second case, the Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeals condemned the Turkish defendant, charged by the State Security Prosecution with cooperation with the terrorist organisations in Syria.

The prosecution accused him of collecting money in the UAE and sending it to Al Nusra and Ahrar Al Sham — terrorists groups operating in Syria.

The indictment said the defendant had organised an extensive campaign by creating a special account on his Facebook under the name (Ali Ozturk Mehmet) without an official license, and by promoting the terrorist ideology of the two terrorist groups and raising funds and sending them through financial institutions operating in the UAE.

The indictment also pointed to the promotion of the ideologies of the terrorist organisations by publishing articles, films, pictures and video clips on the internet and a Telegram site to promote terrorist organisations knowing their terrorist intents.

UAE cybercrimes law stipulates an imprisonment period of at least 10 years and not exceeding 25 years, and a fine not less than Dh2 million and not in excess of Dh4 million on whoever establishes, manages or runs a website or publishes information on the computer network or information technology means for the interest of a terrorist group or any unauthorised group, association, organisation, or body with the intent to facilitate communication with their leaders or members or attract new members, or to promote or praise their ideas, finance their activities or provide actual assistance thereof or for the purpose of publishing methods for manufacturing incendiary devices or explosives or any other devices used in terrorism acts.



30 Apr, 2019 0 546
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